WMP is a shortcut for --->'Waste Management Plan'.
A waste management plan is a document that outlines procedures for the disposal of waste generated onboard ships to ensure that it is done safely and in an environmentally friendly manner. The plan includes procedures for the collection, storage, and disposal of different types of waste, such as garbage, oily water, and sewage.
Examples of waste that may be generated onboard ships include:
- Garbage: Food waste, packaging materials, glass, plastic, metal, and other non-toxic waste generated onboard.
- Oily water: Bilge water, ballast water, and other water containing oil or hydrocarbons.
- Sewage: Human waste and other wastewater generated onboard.
Waste management plans are required under international conventions such as MARPOL, which sets out regulations for the prevention of pollution from ships. The plan must be approved by the ship's flag state and be available for inspection by port authorities and other regulatory bodies.
In addition to waste management plans, ships may also have pollution emergency plans (PEPs) which outline procedures to be followed in the event of a pollution incident.