LC/SG is a shortcut for --->'Scientific Group on the London Dumping Convention'. They are also referenced as SG-LDC.

The Scientific Group on the London Dumping Convention (SG-LDC) is a scientific advisory body that provides expert advice and recommendations to the parties to the London Dumping Convention (LDC) on matters related to the management and control of the dumping of wastes at sea. The SG-LDC is composed of scientists and technical experts from around the world who are appointed by the parties to the LDC and who serve in their individual capacity.

The SG-LDC is responsible for providing scientific and technical advice on a range of issues related to the dumping of wastes at sea, including the environmental impacts of dumping, the development of technical guidelines and criteria for the selection of dumping sites, and the evaluation of proposals for the dumping of specific types of wastes. The SG-LDC also plays a key role in the review and evaluation of scientific research on the impacts of dumping and in the development of recommendations for the management and control of dumping activities.

Overall, the Scientific Group on the London Dumping Convention (SG-LDC) is a scientific advisory body that provides expert advice and recommendations to the parties to the London Dumping Convention (LDC) on matters related to the management and control of the dumping of wastes at sea. The SG-LDC is composed of scientists and technical experts from around the world and is responsible for providing scientific and technical advice on a range of issues related to the dumping of wastes at sea.

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