Glossary. D
Glossary. D
Deutsch: Den Anker werfen im maritimen Kontext / Español: Echar el ancla en el contexto marítimo / Português: Lançar a âncora no contexto marítimo / Français: Jeter l'ancre dans le contexte maritime / Italiano: Gettare l'ancora nel contesto marittimo
Dropping the Anchor in the maritime context refers to the act of deploying a ship’s anchor into the seabed to secure the vessel in a fixed position. This is a critical manoeuvre in navigation, often performed to maintain stability during stops in open water, near ports, or in emergencies where the vessel needs to halt immediately.
Deutsch: Trockenmassengut / Español: Carga a granel seca en el contexto marítimo / Português: Carga a granel seca no contexto marítimo / Français: Cargaison en vrac sèche dans le contexte maritime / Italiano: Carico secco alla rinfusa nel contesto marittimo
Dry Bulk Cargo refers to unpackaged solid goods transported in large quantities by bulk carriers in the maritime industry. These goods are typically loaded directly into the ship’s hold and include commodities like coal, grain, iron ore, cement, and fertilisers.
English: DSC
DSC is a shortcut for
- 'Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers'.
- 'Digital Selective Calling'.
- 'Code of Safety for Dynamically Supported Craft'.
Deutsch: Haltbarkeit / Español: durabilidad / Português: durabilidade / Français: durabilité / Italiano: durata
In the maritime context, durability refers to the ability of materials, structures, and equipment used in maritime environments to withstand harsh conditions over Time without significant deterioration. This includes resistance to factors such as saltwater corrosion, extreme temperatures, pressure, mechanical stress, and UV radiation, all of which are common challenges faced at sea.
Deutsch: Dauer / Español: Duración / Português: Duração / Français: Durée / Italian: Durata
Duration in the maritime context refers to the length of time a specific maritime activity, operation, or voyage takes from start to finish. This can apply to various aspects such as the time taken for a sea journey, the duration of cargo loading and unloading, or the period a ship spends at a port.
German: DWT is a shortcut for --->'Dead Weight TonnageEA Environment Australia'.