Glossary. Y

The Maritime Glossary. Letter Y +++ Popular Articles: 'Yachting', 'Yacht', 'Yawl'
YA is a shortcut for --->'Yachting Australia'.

Deutsch: Yacht / Español: Yate / Português: Iate / Français: Yacht / Italiano: Yacht

Yacht in the maritime context refers to a recreational boat or ship that is used for pleasure cruising, racing, or sports. Yachts are often luxurious, equipped with various amenities and designed for comfort, performance, and style.

Deutsch: Jachtfahren / Español: Yateo / Português: Iatismo / Français: Yachting / Italiano: Yachting

Yachting in the maritime context refers to the recreational or competitive use of yachts for cruising, sailing, or racing. A yacht is typically a private vessel, either powered by sails or engines, used for leisure activities such as coastal cruising, ocean voyages, or competitive sailing events. Yachting often involves travelling across oceans, coastal areas, or lakes, with varying levels of luxury and equipment depending on the yacht's size and purpose.

English: Yawl

Yawl means A fore-and-aft rigged sailing vessel with two masts, main and mizzen, the mizzen stepped abaft the rudder post.

German: Das Yawl ist eine zweimastiges Segelschiff mit Besanmast hinter dem Rudergänger, entspricht der deutschen Jolle