Glossary. W
Glossary. W
English: Watch-System
German: Die Wache (Schiffswache) ist eine Einteilung der Besatzung auf verschiedene Wachdienste im Schichtdienst, z.B. ein Wachgänger, Brückenwache, Maschinenwache; z.B. eine Deckswache bewacht das Schiff im Hafen.
Mit Wache wird auch der entsprechende Zeitraum bezeichnet.
Es gibt Wachen für je 4 Std. (und anschließend 8 Std. frei) sowie 6 Std. (und anschließend 6 Std. frei).
Deutsch: Wattenmeer / Español: Mar de Frisia / Português: Mar de Wadden / Français: Mer des Wadden / Italiano: Mare dei Wadden
The Wadden Sea is a shallow body of water with extensive tidal flats and wetlands, located in the southeastern part of the North Sea. In the maritime context, it is notable for its unique intertidal ecosystem, its role as a crucial habitat for migratory birds and marine species, and its importance in coastal protection, fisheries, and sustainable tourism. The Wadden Sea stretches along the coasts of the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark and is protected by several international agreements due to its ecological significance.
Deutsch: Lagerhaltung / Español: Almacenaje / Português: Armazenagem / Français: Entreposage / Italiano: Magazzinaggio
Warehousing in the maritime context refers to the storage of goods in facilities, typically located near ports or transportation hubs, while awaiting further distribution or shipment. These warehouses are crucial for managing cargo, ensuring the smooth flow of goods in global trade, and facilitating efficient supply chain operations. Warehousing in the maritime industry includes specialised facilities such as container yards, cold storage, and bonded warehouses that cater to various types of goods.
Deutsch: Seekrieg / Español: Guerra marítima / Português: Guerra Marítima / Français: Guerre maritime / Italiano: Guerra marittima
Warfare in the maritime context refers to the strategies, tactics, and operations used in conflict on or near the sea. This includes the deployment and engagement of naval forces, the use of naval weapons, and the execution of naval battles.
Deutsch: Wache / Español: Guardia / Português: Vigia / Français: Quart / Italian: Guardia
Watch in the maritime context refers to the system of assigning crew members to shifts during which they are responsible for the operation and safety of the vessel. This system ensures that a ship is continuously monitored and managed, particularly during long voyages where constant vigilance is necessary to maintain navigation, security, and the overall functionality of the vessel.
Deutsch: Wachdienst / Español: Guardia de navegación / Português: Vigilância / Français: Quart de veille / Italiano: Turno di guardia
Watchkeeping in the maritime context refers to the system of organized shifts undertaken by the crew members of a ship to ensure its safe operation and navigation 24 hours a day. This continuous vigilance is critical for monitoring the ship's course, speed, navigational status, and safety, as well as for responding to any potential hazards or emergencies that may arise.
Deutsch: Wachdienst für Seeleute / Español: vigilancia para marineros / Português: serviço de vigilância para marinheiros / Français: quart de surveillance pour marins / Italiano: servizio di guardia per marittimi
Watchkeeping for Seafarers refers to the practice of maintaining continuous oversight and monitoring on a ship to ensure its safe navigation and operation. It involves designated Crew members taking shifts, or "watches," during which they are responsible for specific tasks such as monitoring the vessel’s Position, maintaining communication, and ensuring the safety and security of the ship and its crew. Watchkeeping is essential for adhering to international maritime safety standards and preventing incidents at sea.