Glossary. S
Glossary. S
Deutsch: Sicherheit / Español: Seguridad / Português: Segurança / Français: Sécurité / Italiano: Sicurezza /
In the maritime context, safety refers to the measures that are taken to protect the lives, health, and property of people and vessels involved in maritime activities. This includes ensuring the safe operation of ships, protecting the environment from harm caused by shipping activities, and preventing accidents and incidents at sea.
Deutsch: Sicherheit auf See / Español: Seguridad en el mar / Português: Segurança no mar / Français: Sécurité en mer / Italiano: Sicurezza in mare
Safety at sea in the maritime context refers to the practices, regulations, and measures designed to protect the lives of seafarers, passengers, and the environment while ensuring the safe operation of vessels in open waters. It involves managing risks associated with maritime navigation, weather conditions, onboard operations, and emergencies, with the goal of preventing accidents, injuries, and environmental disasters.
Deutsch: Sicherheitskonformität / Español: Cumplimiento de seguridad / Português: Conformidade de segurança / Français: Conformité de sécurité / Italiano: Conformità alla sicurezza
Safety compliance in the maritime context refers to adherence to international, national, and company-specific safety regulations and standards designed to ensure the well-being of crew, passengers, cargo, vessels, and the environment. This involves implementing and maintaining practices that minimise risks and prevent accidents, aligning with frameworks such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) conventions.
Deutsch: Sicherheitsausrüstung / Español: Equipo de seguridad / Português: Equipamento de segurança / Français: Équipement de sécurité / Italiano: Attrezzatura di sicurezza
Safety equipment in the maritime context refers to the specialised tools, devices, and systems that are required to protect the lives of crew members and passengers, ensure the safety of vessels, and prevent accidents or minimise harm in the event of emergencies at sea. Maritime safety equipment is regulated by international standards, such as those set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) under conventions like SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea).
Deutsch: Sicherheitsmanagement / Español: Gestión de seguridad / Português: Gestão de segurança / Français: Gestion de la sécurité / Italiano: Gestione della sicurezza
Safety management in the maritime context refers to the structured and systematic approach to ensuring the safety of ships, crews, passengers, and the marine environment during maritime operations. It encompasses the development, implementation, and monitoring of safety policies, procedures, and practices to prevent accidents, manage risks, and ensure compliance with international safety regulations. Safety management is critical to minimizing hazards at sea, maintaining operational efficiency, and protecting both human lives and the environment.
Deutsch: Sicherheitsmanagementzertifikat / Español: Certificado de gestión de seguridad / Português: Certificado de gestão de segurança / Français: Certificat de gestion de la sécurité / Italiano: Certificato di gestione della sicurezza
The Safety Management Certificate (SMC) in the maritime context is a document issued to a ship, verifying that its operations are conducted in compliance with the International Safety Management (ISM) Code. The ISM Code, established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), provides an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.
Deutsch: Sicherheitsmanagementsystem / Español: Sistema de gestión de la seguridad / Português: Sistema de Gestão de Segurança / Français: Système de gestion de la sécurité / Italiano: Sistema di gestione della sicurezza
A Safety Management System (SMS) in the maritime context is a structured and documented system designed to ensure the safe operation of ships, prevent accidents, and protect the environment. It encompasses policies, practices, and procedures that comply with international regulations, particularly the International Safety Management (ISM) Code. The system is integral to fostering a culture of safety and continuous improvement within maritime organisations.
Deutsch: Sicherheitsüberwachung / Español: Monitoreo de seguridad / Português: Monitoramento de segurança / Français: Surveillance de sécurité / Italiano: Monitoraggio della sicurezza
Safety monitoring in the maritime context refers to the continuous observation and assessment of conditions, systems, and practices on board ships and within maritime operations to ensure the safety of the vessel, crew, passengers, cargo, and the marine environment. This process involves a combination of technology, procedures, and regulations aimed at preventing accidents, managing risks, and ensuring compliance with safety standards.