Glossary. R
Glossary. R
German: R&D is a shortcut for --->'Research and Development'.
Deutsch: Radar / Español: radar / Português: radar / Français: radar / Italian: radar
Radar in the maritime context refers to a system that uses radio waves to detect and locate objects, such as other ships, landmasses, and navigational hazards. It is an essential tool for navigation and safety at sea, providing real-Time information about the surroundings even in poor visibility conditions like fog, darkness, or heavy rain.
Deutsch: Strahlung / Español: Radiación / Português: Radiação / Français: Rayonnement / Italiano: Radiazione
Radiation in the maritime context refers to the emission and propagation of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. It includes a range of phenomena such as electromagnetic waves (radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays) and particle radiation (alpha, beta, and neutron radiation). In maritime settings, radiation is a critical factor due to its implications for communication, navigation, safety, and environmental protection.
Deutsch: Funk / Español: Radio / Português: Rádio / Français: Radio / Italiano: Radio
Radio in the maritime context refers to the use of radio waves for communication between ships, aircraft, shore stations, and other maritime entities. This communication is essential for safety, navigation, and operational efficiency at sea. Maritime radio systems are governed by international regulations and are a critical Component of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).
Deutsch: Floß / Español: Balsa / Português: Balsa / Français: Radeau / Italian: Zattera
Raft in the maritime context refers to a flat structure, often inflatable or made of buoyant materials, used as a means of transportation or survival at sea. Unlike more sophisticated boats or lifeboats, a raft is typically simpler in design and construction. Rafts are widely used in emergencies, recreational activities, and even traditional navigation in some cultures.