Glossary. N

The Maritime Glossary. Letter N +++ Popular Articles: 'Navigational Hazards', 'Navigation', 'Necessity'
English: NAA
German: NAA is a shortcut for --->'National Archives of Australia'.

English: Nas (disambiguation)
German: NAS is a shortcut for --->'National Airspace System'.

Deutsch: Staatsangehörigkeit / Español: Nacionalidad / Português: Nacionalidade / Français: Nationalité / Italiano: Nazionalità

Nationality in the maritime context refers to the legal relationship between a vessel and the state under whose laws it operates. This relationship is established through registration, also known as a ship’s flag state, which determines the national jurisdiction and regulations to which the vessel is subject. A ship’s nationality affects its legal standing in international waters, including taxation, safety standards, and maritime obligations.

NATPLAN is a shortcut for --->'National Plan to Combat Pollution of the Sea by Oil and other Noxious and Hazardous Substances'.

NATSAR Council is a shortcut for --->'Australian National Search and Rescue Council'.

NAV is a shortcut for --->'Sub-committee on Safety of Navigation'.

Deutsch: Marineoperationen / Español: Operaciones Navales / Português: Operações Navais / Français: Opérations Navales / Italiano: Operazioni Navali

Naval Operations refer to the strategic, tactical, and logistical activities conducted by naval forces to ensure national security, enforce maritime law, and project power at sea. These operations encompass a wide range of military activities, including combat missions, patrols, amphibious assaults, and humanitarian assistance.

Deutsch: Marineschiff / Español: buque naval / Português: navio de guerra / Français: navire de guerre / Italiano: nave da guerra

Naval vessel in the maritime context refers to a ship or boat used by a nation’s navy for military purposes. These vessels are designed for combat, defense, and strategic operations, serving roles that range from patrolling and securing territorial waters to power projection and combat missions on the high seas. Naval vessels are distinct from commercial and civilian ships due to their specialized equipment, weaponry, and advanced communication systems.

NAVAREA is a shortcut for --->'Short title of an area in the world-wide navigational service'.

NAVAREA X is a shortcut for --->'The tenth area in the world-wide navigational service for which Australia is responsible'.