Glossary. M
Glossary. M
Deutsch: Maersk Line / Español: Maersk Line / Português: Maersk Line / Français: Maersk Line / Italiano: Maersk Line
Maersk Line in the maritime context refers to one of the world’s largest and most well-known container shipping companies. It is a division of A.P. Møller-Maersk, a Danish multinational conglomerate specializing in shipping, logistics, and energy. Maersk Line operates a global fleet of container vessels, providing transportation services across major trade routes.
Deutsch: Wartung / Español: Mantenimiento / Português: Manutenção / Français: Maintenance / Italiano: Manutenzione /
Maintenance in the maritime context refers to the systematic process of ensuring that ships, vessels, and maritime infrastructure remain in optimal condition and operational readiness. It encompasses a wide range of activities aimed at preserving and extending the life of maritime assets, enhancing safety, and complying with regulatory requirements. Maintenance is an essential aspect of maritime operations, contributing to the industry's safety, efficiency, and sustainability.
Deutsch: Schadsoftware / Español: Software malicioso / Português: Malware / Français: Logiciel malveillant / Italiano: Malware
Malware in the maritime context refers to malicious software designed to infiltrate, disrupt, or Damage the digital systems and networks used in maritime operations. This can include targeting vessel navigation systems, port operations, or shipping company networks, potentially leading to operational delays, safety hazards, or financial loss.
Deutsch: Manöver / Español: Maniobra / Português: Manobra / Français: Manoeuvre / Italian: Manovra
Maneuver in the maritime context refers to the deliberate movement or handling of a vessel to achieve a specific Objective, such as docking, turning, avoiding obstacles, or changing course. These actions require precise control and coordination, often involving adjustments to the ship's speed, direction, and use of navigational aids.
Deutsch: Manövrieren / Español: maniobra / Português: manobra / Français: manœuvre / Italiano: manovra
In the maritime context, maneuvering refers to the controlled movement or adjustment of a vessel's course, speed, or position, typically to navigate through different conditions, avoid obstacles, dock, or carry out other necessary operations. It involves the use of various navigational techniques and tools to safely guide the ship while considering factors such as wind, currents, and the ship's size and weight.
Deutsch: Handbuch / Español: manual / Português: manual / Français: manuel / Italiano: manuale
In the maritime context, a manual refers to a document or set of instructions that provides detailed information and guidelines for operating ships, navigating, maintaining equipment, or following safety procedures. Manuals are essential tools for the crew, as they offer standardized instructions to ensure safe, efficient, and compliant operations onboard vessels and in maritime environments.
Deutsch: Herstellung / Español: Manufactura / Português: Fabricação / Français: Fabrication / Italiano: Fabbricazione
Manufacturing in the maritime context refers to the production and assembly of ships, marine equipment, and components used in maritime operations. It encompasses the construction of vessels, the production of specialized marine parts, and the fabrication of equipment essential for the operation of ports, offshore platforms, and marine systems. Maritime manufacturing plays a key role in supporting global shipping, offshore energy, fishing, and naval defense industries.
Deutsch: Marikultur / Español: Maricultura / Português: Maricultura / Français: Mariculture / Italiano: Maricoltura
Mariculture refers to the cultivation of marine organisms for food and other products in oceanic or coastal environments. A subset of aquaculture, mariculture involves farming species such as fish, shellfish, seaweed, and crustaceans in controlled marine habitats, including open ocean, estuaries, or man-made enclosures like tanks and ponds.
Deutsch: Jachthafen / Español: marina / Português: marina / Français: marina / Italiano: marina
Marina in the maritime context refers to a specially designed harbour or dock that provides safe mooring and services for pleasure boats, yachts, and small watercraft. Marinas offer a range of amenities, including berths (slips), fueling stations, repair facilities, and various onshore services like restaurants, shops, and accommodations. They are popular destinations for recreational boaters and serve as hubs for water-based activities and tourism.