Glossary. H
Glossary. H
Deutsch: Lebensraum / Español: hábitat / Português: habitat / Français: habitat / Italiano: habitat
In the maritime context, a habitat refers to the natural environment in which marine organisms live and thrive. It includes various physical spaces in the ocean and coastal regions, such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangroves, deep-sea trenches, and open ocean areas. These habitats provide essential resources like food, shelter, and breeding grounds for a wide range of marine species.
Deutsch: Hafen / Español: Puerto / Português: Porto / Français: Port / Italiano: Porto
Harbour in the maritime context is a sheltered body of water where ships, boats, and other vessels can dock, load and unload cargo, and seek refuge from storms. Harbours provide essential facilities and services for maritime operations, including berthing, storage, and repair services.
Deutsch: Schaden / Español: Daño / Português: Dano / Français: Dommage / Italiano: Danno
Harm in the maritime context refers to any damage, injury, or negative impact affecting ships, crew members, marine environments, or maritime operations. This can include physical damage to vessels, environmental pollution, risks to human life, or financial losses due to accidents or negligence.
Deutsch: Transport im maritimen Kontext / Español: Transporte terrestre en el contexto marítimo / Português: Transporte terrestre no contexto marítimo / Français: Transport terrestre dans le contexte maritime / Italiano: Trasporto terrestre nel contesto marittimo
Haulage in the maritime context refers to the transport of goods by road or rail to and from ports. It is an essential part of the shipping process, linking inland locations to maritime hubs, enabling the efficient movement of cargo across supply chains.
A hazard is a potential source of harm. Substances, events, or circumstances can constitute hazards when their nature would allow them, even just theoretically, to cause damage to health, life, property, or any other interest of value. The probability of that harm being realized in a specific incident, combined with the magnitude of potential harm, make up its risk, a term often used synonymously in colloquial speech.
Deutsch: Höhe / Español: Altura / Português: Altura / Français: Hauteur / Italiano: Altezza
Height in the maritime context refers to several dimensions, measurements, or elevations that are critical to the design, operation, and navigation of vessels. This includes the height of a ship's mast, the height of tides, the clearance of bridges, and the vertical distance between a ship’s Waterline and its highest point (known as air draft). Proper understanding and management of height is essential for safe and efficient maritime operations.
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