Glossary. C
Glossary. C
German: CAI is a shortcut for --->'Confederation of Australian Industry'.
Deutsch: Funkrufzeichen / Español: Indicativo de llamada / Português: Indicativo de chamada / Français: Indicatif d'appel / Italiano: Segnale di chiamata /
A call sign is a unique designation for a transmitting station In broadcasting radio communications. A call sign can be formally assigned by a government agency, informally adopted by individuals or organizations, or even cryptographically encoded to disguise a station's identity.
Deutsch: Frachtgut / Español: Carga / Português: Carga / Français: Cargaison / Italiano: Carico /
Cargo in the maritime context refers to the goods, products, or materials that are transported by ships or other vessels across bodies of water, such as oceans, seas, rivers, and canals. It encompasses a wide range of items, from raw materials like minerals and grains to finished products like automobiles and electronics. Cargo plays a pivotal role in international trade and commerce, as the efficient movement of goods via maritime transport is essential for the global economy.
Deutsch: Umschlag von Fracht / Español: Manipulación de carga / Português: Manuseio de Carga / Français: Manutention de fret / Italian: Movimentazione di merci
Cargo Handling refers to the process of loading, unloading, and managing cargo on a ship. This includes the coordination, equipment, and procedures used to efficiently transfer goods between the vessel and the port. Effective cargo handling ensures the safe and timely delivery of goods, minimizing delays and damage.
Deutsch: Ladungsmanagement / Español: Gestión de Carga / Português: Gestão de Carga / Français: Gestion de Cargaison / Italiano: Gestione del Carico
Cargo Management in the maritime context refers to the planning, handling, monitoring, and optimizing of cargo during its Journey by sea. This includes the processes for safely loading, storing, transporting, and unloading goods on ships, ensuring the cargo reaches its destination efficiently, securely, and in good condition.
Deutsch: Beförderung / Español: Transporte / Português: Transporte / Français: Transport / Italiano: Trasporto
Carriage in the maritime context refers to the transport of goods and passengers by sea. This term encompasses the entire process and activities involved in moving cargo and people from one port to another using ships and other marine vessels.